Friday, November 6, 2009

Emerson's argument in the American Scholar about American society still hold true today.

One reason Emerson’s argument is still holding true today is people are becoming more focused on one thing. It’s like people now a day have tunnel vision an example is people usually only major in one subject. He wants people to major in everything so you can be more successful and smarter. People are drifting away from being the "Man Thinking" and becoming good at only one thing.

Emerson is saying people are not being like the thinking man. He says they are being more like the farmer, mechanic, etc. etc……… He also says to achieve this higher state of mind bringing us ever closer to becoming “Man Thinking”. He also talks about the hand and fingers, humans are the fingers and a greater being (God) is the rest of the hand. In conclusion the "American Scholar" has the job of being "Man Thinking" to see the world clearly and not blocked by the past history.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Over this Halloween I went to my friend Matt's house to trick or treat. First I picked up my friends Tim McCotter and Mike Sopko and headed off to his house. When we got there Matt said it was too early to trick or treat so we started to play his Playstation Three. We played a racing game called Dirt 2 and Grand Theft Auto Four. We had the most fun playing Grand Theft Auto Four because of the cools car and glitches.

When we were done playing the Playstation we had a great idea and decided to air soft. Air soft is when you run around with pellet guns and shoot at each other. It doesn’t hurt a lot so nobody had a problem when they got hit. I probably was the best at it considering that I hit everyone and didn’t get hit by anyone. The funniest part was I hit them all in the same place. The only bad part of air softing was that we had to rake the lawn before we could play.

We finished air softing and finally decided it was late enough to go trick or treating. Last year I started a tradition of walking up to a Speedway and buy a slurpee. So Matt had to lead us to a Speedway because Tim, Mike, and I didn’t know where we were. When we showed up at speedway we bought our slurpees, but on our way out Tim spilled his slurpee all over the counter. Matt and I told him to act like it never happened and just walk out. That’s what we did.

We finally finish trick or treating. I didn’t get that much candy from, but it was enough for me. We got back to Matt’s house and played street hockey in the driveway. I was not very good, but Mike and Matt were very good. Then we chose to play a mini scale hockey game called mini sticks. You play on your knees and is much easier to score and I was good at that game.

We all ended up sleeping over at Tim’s house and had a lot of fun over there. We played Xbox. I have an Xbox also so I did the best at the game we were playing. When we were done playing Xbox we went up stairs to Tim’s room and he showed us funny video. Then we went off into our own conversations with each other and feel asleep at one o’clock.