Friday, November 6, 2009

Emerson's argument in the American Scholar about American society still hold true today.

One reason Emerson’s argument is still holding true today is people are becoming more focused on one thing. It’s like people now a day have tunnel vision an example is people usually only major in one subject. He wants people to major in everything so you can be more successful and smarter. People are drifting away from being the "Man Thinking" and becoming good at only one thing.

Emerson is saying people are not being like the thinking man. He says they are being more like the farmer, mechanic, etc. etc……… He also says to achieve this higher state of mind bringing us ever closer to becoming “Man Thinking”. He also talks about the hand and fingers, humans are the fingers and a greater being (God) is the rest of the hand. In conclusion the "American Scholar" has the job of being "Man Thinking" to see the world clearly and not blocked by the past history.


  1. Good job but I would talk more about the 'man thinking' instead of just saying it.

  2. This is really good writing, I like the 1st paragraph. (:
